This article will show you how to use Autel 908pro it is good coding tool and gets ori coding from server by vin. Also FA gets update on the process. That’s an easy way to get it back to original if you know someone with autel. Otherwise you’ll need manual coding in fem.
Autel MS908 Pro BMW FEM Coding Procedure:
PS: it is easy to operate by following the on-screen guide.
There are also two other ways to solve how to get original FA/VO coding on BMW
Method 1. Load VO to esys and code FEM, that should be all
Method 2. You can get original FA by vin on some web sites.
The FA encoding is stored in both FEM and REM. FEM is the master and REM is the backup. Recover or copy FA from REM to FEM.
Good to know: The F87 has a lot more modules than the F30, so it’s a headache. Even if you copy FA, there are some missing and some missing modules. If you make a lot of F-series it’s only a matter of time before you run into trouble and not necessarily it will be your fault. A good practice is to always backup FA and SVT and even calculate updates, then everything is easy to restore.
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