This is the demo on how we read pin code from BCM module and program a key AKL for Jeep Liberty 2007 by Autel IM608PRO and Autel XP400PRO.
Autel MaxiIM IM608PRO
Autel XP400PRO
Siemens module
USB cable
APA103(EEPROM Clamp)
Part 1. Get EEPROM in BCM module
The Siemens module with our needed key data is located in the steering column.
So take out the outer shell held by 1 or 2 T20 screws and we’ll see it.
Disconnect the connectors and take it out to the bench.
Open the module carefully to get the circuit board. This immo module may be tough to open.
Figure out pin 1 on the left of the label.
Use the EEPROM clamp to connect pin 1 and Autel XP400PRO.
Use the USB cable to connect Autel XP400PRO and Autel MaxiIM IM608PRO.
Part 2. Read Pin Code
Then press
IMMO>>Jeep>>Manual Selection>>North America>>LIBERTY>>2005-2007 Blade Key
Then confirm the information chose.
Control unit>>Read Immobilizer Password ([VPW]dismantle to read)
We’ve done the prompts before, so press “OK” to continue.
Select “95080”.
Press “Show Picture” to check the diagram and what the chip looks like.
After correct connections, press “OK”.
It will ask if you have the EEPROM data [bin] file for this module. We choose “NO”.
Then it will show us all keys data, so we save the file.
After file saving, press “OK” and it will give us a 4-digit password.
Actually, the password is incorrect, and what we need here is the saved file.
Back to Homepage. Press
Programmer>>Write key via dump>>USA>>Jeep>>Liberty>>2004- 95080
Then load the file we saved before.
It will show us the key information,
And the correct pin code to program a key is on the lower left.
Part 3. Program a key AKL
Choose an unused key slot, insert the new key into the slot of Autel XP400PRO and press “Make Key”.
First it displays the key number and then write the key into the module.
Then it will ask whether to save the newly generated file. We choose “YES”.
The prompt tells us that key is ready and write the new bin file to chip to complete operation.
Chip(EEPROM,MCU,ECU)>>Chip read&write>>EEPROM>>ST>>ST95080>>EEPROM>>Write
Then load the newly generated file.
Chip written successfully.
Press “read” to read new EEPROM data and save.
Also we can repeat previous steps to check the newly saved EEPROM data.
Restore the module and test if the new key works well.
Done! Nice and pro!
This is how we use Autel XP400PRO and Autel IM608 PRO to read pin code from Siemens module and add a key AKL for Jeep Liberty 2007.
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