Have a Mercedes W124 2.5d from 1992, W124 2.0 petrol from 1994 and a W212 E350 CDI 10 plate to diagnose, not sure which Xentry Kits to buy, sd connect c4 is the best.
Car model:
A Mercedes W124 2.5d from 1992, W124 2.0 petrol from 1994 and a W212 E350 cdi 10 plate.
I would like to look into them a bit deeper and see what else i can find within them.
Xentry Kits for choice:
MB star C3 (old story)
sd connect c4 (Best)
Star diagnostic C5 (cheaper)
1. sdconnect c4 will be the best option (c3 is already a story), here is my opinion.
2. SD C4 would be your choose . C3 is older hardware , sd c5 (chine ones ) actually is c4 inside no difference .
3. SD C4, or MB VCI (C6) will work Good.
4. or any more other software than Xentry, please refer to sdc4 plus vs. c6 vs. c5 vs. ecom:
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