Perkins 1106D Injector Data Test Procedure
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System Operation Overview
This procedure is used to address the following diagnostic codes:
- 1-2 Cylinder #1 – Injector Data Incorrect
- 2-2 Cylinder #2 – Injector Data Incorrect
- 3-2 Cylinder #3 – Injector Data Incorrect
- 4-2 Cylinder #4 – Injector Data Incorrect
- 5-2 Cylinder #5 – Injector Data Incorrect
- 6-2 Cylinder #6 – Injector Data Incorrect
Background Information:
The Perkins 1106D engine features an electronically controlled pump-injector system. The Electronic Control Module (ECM) delivers a 70-volt pulse to each fuel injector at precise timing and duration, based on engine load and speed. This test procedure identifies and resolves diagnostic codes related to injector data issues.
When replacing injectors, the correct trim file must be programmed into the ECM to ensure optimal performance. Failure to do so generates the diagnostic code:
- 253-2 Personality Module Mismatch
When replacing an ECM, proper programming is also required. Refer to the “Replacing an ECM” section in the Troubleshooting guide for detailed instructions. After repairs, perform a “Fuel System Check – Test” using the Electronic Service Tool to confirm proper system functionality.
Test Procedure
Step 1: Identify Diagnostic Codes
- Connect the electronic service tool to the diagnostic connector.
- Turn the keyswitch to the “ON” position.
- Retrieve any logged diagnostic codes relevant to this procedure.
- Record the diagnostic codes.
Expected Results:
- Result 1: One or more of the following diagnostic codes are logged:
- 1-2 Cylinder #1 Injector Data Incorrect
- 2-2 Cylinder #2 Injector Data Incorrect
- 3-2 Cylinder #3 Injector Data Incorrect
- 4-2 Cylinder #4 Injector Data Incorrect
- 5-2 Cylinder #5 Injector Data Incorrect
- 6-2 Cylinder #6 Injector Data Incorrect
- Result 2: Diagnostic codes appear for three injectors sharing a common power supply:
- Injectors 1, 2, and 3 share one driver circuit.
- Injectors 4, 5, and 6 share another driver circuit.
- If codes are logged for three injectors in a single circuit, the ECM may be at fault.
- OK – Result 1: Proceed to Step 2.
- OK – Result 2: Proceed to Step 3.
- Not OK: No relevant diagnostic codes are logged. STOP.
Step 2: Identify the Faulty Cylinder
- Use the electronic service tool to review recorded diagnostic codes.
- Check the indicated cylinder for a defective injector.
Expected Results:
- Diagnostic code identifies the cylinder with a defective injector.
- OK: No diagnostic codes indicate a defective injector. STOP.
- NG: Replace the defective injector(s).
- Program the replacement trim files for the new injectors using the Electronic Service Tool.
- Clear logged diagnostic codes.
- Turn the keyswitch to the “ON” position.
- Start the engine and perform a “Fuel System Check – Test”.
- Verify if the repair resolves the issue. STOP.
Step 3: Check the ECM
- Verify that the latest flash file is installed in the ECM (refer to “Flash Programming” in the Troubleshooting guide).
- Contact Perkins Worldwide Technical Support for assistance.
- If recommended, install a test ECM. Refer to the “Replacing an ECM” section in Troubleshooting.
- Perform a “Fuel System Check – Test” using the Electronic Service Tool.
Expected Results:
- The “Fuel System Check – Test” indicates whether the cylinder passed or failed.
- OK: The test ECM clears the fault, but the suspect ECM displays a “FAULT” condition. Replace the faulty ECM and confirm the repair resolves the issue. STOP.
- Not OK: The test ECM does not correct the error. Repeat the testing process starting from Step 1. STOP.
More trouble repair case for Perkins,pls refer to:Perkins Trouble Repair
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