MB SD C5 is a affordable but useful diagnostic and programming Tool For Mercedes Benz Cars & Trucks. Newly Mb Star C5 Wifi Mb Sd Connect Compact 5 Diagnosis supports wireless diagnose,can support Mercedes BENZ car after Year 2000. And the MB SD C5 SD Connect Compact 5 package comes with a free HDD for installing software files you need.
The new Mercedes Benz diagnostic tool MB SD Connect C5 clone is verified working great. Here are customer feedback to Benz C5 SD Connect (not original Xentry Connect C5). Following is MB SD Connect C5 Reviews.
1. Difference between Benz c4 and c5 Multiplexer
C4 comes sometime with and sometimes without UDS Chip.
The Xentry C5 which costs about 400-700 EUR is a C4 inside with C5 Body.
The C5 from 1100 EUR up is a DoIP Multiplexer with internal HDD or SSD. All the programs are stored in the Multiplexer, You only need a Laptop with 30 GB Disk Space for the Programs.
2.“Mercedes Sprinter year 2006 and 2014 works, both the diagnosis
All the personal cars also works, no problem”
3.“All the trucks including euro6 also works, no problem.
Bus Mercedes Tourismo euro5 year 2010-2012 test works, BUT year 2014 euro6 does NOT work, it says that the license is invalid. Both sd c4 and sd c5, we have tested both on the same cars, to be sure.”
4. SD Connect C5 this one customer has test, works good, in function it no difference with SD C4, but performance it is better. So you can buy MB SD C5 if you want buy new MUX. SD C5 use the same software as MB SD Connect C4.
5. Mercedes Benz Star clones fake SD CONNECT C5 vs Real SD CONNECT C5 review
I have been meaning to do this comparison for some time now but work has been relentless, so lets start from the top. The real Sd connect C5 casing is made from real aluminium not a plastic composite made to look like metal, in the photo you can see the shine the fake one has its very easy to spot the difference. lots of blanked off vents, no fan or hdd/SSD with Xentry software, no usb ports. The fake SD connect C5 has a SD connect C4 board inside it and its ill fitting and incomplete so this detracts from the function and makes it a bad multiplexer.
6. SD connect C5 Review: Test OK with 2014 Mercedes GLA 250
I’ve just started my adventure with Chinese SD connect C5. I recently bought cloned SD C5 with 2018.03 software. Reading all the comments from https://mhhauto.com/Thread-SD-Connect-C4-avoiding-garbage I guess I just received a bit overpaid C4 in C5 case…anyway, please see the pictures and let me know what you think about this build.
At first I had troubles with configuring the connection between the laptop and SDconnect, now it works and passes tests (haven’t tried all of the tests yet). I used it once, with no luck reading out data from the car (I cannot see car voltage or ignition in Xentry diagnosis software). After a while of using it the display in it went almost completely blank so that I couldn’t read what’s on it.
I disassembled it today, put the batteries in it, played around with ribbon cables and the display is back on. Then connected it to the car.
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