When programming BCM by tech2 scan tool,It has the following problem.
Why the tech 2 scanner is telling it can program the vin because the controller is locked, what does that mean? I also use the VCX nano GM and obtained the same results, controller locked.
Mayble the BCM is not the right one for the car. Another user has run into the same kind of a problem. Just because the part number on the BCM is the same as the Solstice does not mean the software that is on it is correct for the vehicle. That software is coded onto the unit when it is made and it is not something that can be changed.
The BCM cannot be “flashed” There is no software available for it. I am going through this with another user where it will not allow us to go through the setup [rpcedure for the BCM because it says there is a chassis mismatch.
2006 once the BCM is coded to the car it CANNOT be coded to another vehicle. They CANNOT be reprogrammed. This is because of the odometer reading getting written to the BCM.
That being said My knowledge is ONLY for the 2006 model year. In 2007 the BCM is different. The BCM might be able to be coded on a 2007 and newer..
If the BCM is not VIN coded to the vehicle you will NOT be able to program keys for the car. If the above with the car that was flooded in the video if they bought a used BCM all of the functions of the vehicle may work properly and the car will start because the ECM has already learned the fuel continue password but when the person that bought the car goes to program keys it will not allow the keys to be coded.
So a used BCM will function as it should and without any issue if that is the only thing being replaced. but keep in mind that if you ever need to get new keys made and programmed you will not be able to do it.
Further investigation for the 2007 and newer Kappas. The BCM is the same deal with them as with the 2006. I know this because the calibration files for the BCM are not available from GM. so the software for the BCM is not able to be reset once it has learned the VIN from a vehicle. I do not know if only the keys will be able to be programmed if the BCM has not been coded with the correct VIN on the 2007 – 2010 Kappas. I would imagine they cannot.
If a vehicle needs a BCM and it has power windows and a BCM is bought used. If the donor vehicle didn’t have power windows there is a chance that the vehicle the BCM gets put into will not have working power windows. This is because at the time a BCM is put into a vehicle when it was new the options are specified for the vehicle. Those options are not able to be changed if the BCM is placed into a new vehicle. They can however be changed if they are in the original vehicle.
15906911 is interchangeable with 25910845 since February 1, 2009 for the U.S. market;
15906912 is interchangeable with 25848392 since May 1, 2008 for the U.S. market;
25848392 was replaced with 25910845 on May 1, 2008 for the U.S. market;
25848400 was replaced with 25848392 on May 1, 2007 for the U.S. market;
15870600 was replaced with 15906911 on March 1, 2007 for the U.S. market;
15870601 was replaced with 15906912 on September 1, 2006 for the U.S. market;
10381617 was replaced with 15870600 on April 1, 2006 for the U.S. market.
GM BCM Replacement using Tech 2 w/ TIS 2000
Body Control Module (BCM) Programming/RPO Configuration
The body control module (BCM) must be programmed with the proper RPO configurations. The BCM stores the information regarding the vehicle options and if the BCM is not properly configured with the correct RPO codes, the BCM will not control all of the features properly. Ensure that the following conditions exist in order to prepare for BCM programming:
• The battery is fully charged.
• The ignition switch is in the ON position.
• The data link connector (DLC) is accessible.
To setup a new BCM, access the SPECIAL FUNCTIONS menu on the scan tool to program the BCM. Select NEW BCM SETUP and follow the instructions on the scan tool.
If the BCM fails to accept the program, perform the following steps:
• Inspect all BCM connections.
• Verify that the scan tool has the latest software version.
Passlock Learn Procedures
Perform the Learn Procedure if any of the following components have been replaced:
• The Passlock sensor
• The body control module (BCM)
• The powertrain control module (PCM)
Important: If any module is replaced, programming the module must be done prior to performing the Passlock Learn procedure.
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