Mercedes EWA WIS EPC installation. (WIS/ASRA Net).
EWA WIS EPC – programs of parts catalogs and circuit diagrams.
• WIS — Werkstatt-Informations-System — database repair, service and wiring.
• ASRA — Arbeitstexte Standardtexte Richtzeiten Arbeitswerte. Descriptions of works, standards.
• EPC — spare parts catalogue.
There are two types of WIS installation : Standalone and via EWA:
• WIS via EWA allows launch applications from the desktop only.
• WIS Standalone allows to run application WIS from the desktop and from the DAS/ Xentry.
For applications offline in SDNC/Configuration/Server set the checkbox for Offline.
For each type of installation has its own key generator.
Install WIS Standalone :
The key is entered in StarUtilities before installation.
Runs through SDSwitch.exe but first check :
1. file C:\d2ksetup.rc\d2ksetup.ini has the following contents :
2. the branch of the registry looks like this:
3. Virtual drive has letter G:
4. Windows must be English.
Then run the installation through SDSwitch.exe.
EPC is established only through EWA.
The WIS shortcut on the desktop will appear automatically during the installation.
Error “No write access for the specified installation folder” before installing to format the disk E by means of the Windows, and restart the installation.
Installation Mercedes EWA WIS EPC :
Runs through Setup.exe (unlike Standalone)
Mount the first disc in the virtual drive. Go to the disk contents, open the folder ewa. Run Setup.exe preferably as administrator
Select a language. The default is German, choose any preferred.
Then choose the directory of installation. By default C:\Program Files\EWA net — confirm.
Press OK. The installation will start. At the end of the installation confirm the completion of OK.
Automatically starts EWA Admin tool. Close the window.
Next, go to: start/All programs/net EWA/Ewa net
Starts Internet Explorer prompts for username and password, enter the user – admin , password – admin.
Open registration password here re-enter the old password “admin” and create any new, at least 5 characters. Enter the new password twice to confirm.
A window opens EWA NET. Left menu: Server > Process to authorize access.
Here you will need the key generator. Generated, insert the keys, confirm.
If the keys came it will be “Unlimited authorisation access” valid until the date specified in the key generator.
Further to the left in the menu administration > workshop. Enter the name of the workshop (any) or leave the default selection (any). Persistent.
Again the left menu: administration > group, a new group is NOT created immediately click on “Administrator group”, enter group name or leave the default;
Put both mark in the checkboxes as “authorizing access workshop” .Persistent.
The left menu Download/Java runtime Environment/Download and install/Run.
Installs Java.
Close the Internet Explorer window and start again.
If all previous settings entered correctly, the line system check in Internet Explorer should be green.
Again enter the login name and password. In the window that opens should be the program shortcuts EPC net WIS/ASRA net. If no labels, carefully go through the registration process again.
Now go to start/EWA net/EWA Admin Tool.
The database being installed EPC and WIS.
Select “database setup”. Will ask the file path — specify the path to the virtual drive with mounted disc images in the WIS or EPC. Will turn to review all of the requested installation disks databases, then you will be prompted for the first disk.
Specify the path to the first disk, confirm. If the path is correct the installation will start the database if no corresponding message will appear. After copying the first disk, the program prompts you to insert next again to specify the path to it, and so on. After installing the latest disc will be the success message and the traffic light icon on the corresponding tab in the EWA Admin tool will turn green.
If necessary, create shortcuts for WIS EPC at the Desk.
To do this, go: start >control Panel/Java. In the window press View\Install Shortcuts.
In versions 2014 and above when you start the EPC, you may receive an error message:
“Error 462: Expired period of validity of the EWA session ID and the duration of the web session” (ewa session token and web session have expired)
you need a text editor to open the file um_cfg.xml find the line <PARAMETER name=”tokenActiveMinutesAfterStart”> <PARAMETER name=”tokenActiveMinutesAfterReinitialization”>. Change their values to “-1″. That is, they must have the following :
<PARAMETER name=”tokenActiveMinutesAfterStart”>-1</PARAMETER>
<PARAMETER name=”tokenActiveMinutesAfterReinitialization”>-1</PARAMETER>
and save the file.
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