How to use LAUNCH X431 IMMO Elite or X431 IMMO Plus to replace the BMW engine computer?
Follow the steps to do it on bench easily by yourself.
Device and accessories required:
X431 IMMO Elite/Plus
DBScar VII VCI Connector
Launch X-PROG 3 immobilizer programmer
Other cables and adaptors in device package
BMW engine computer model: MEVD17.2.4_TC1797
Menu function path:
Select IMMO>> BMW software>> Engine Module Replacement>> BENCH Mode>> MEVD17.2.4_TC1797
Main steps:
Step 1: Read Chip ID
Step 2: Backup EEPROM Data
Step 3: Backup Flash Data
Step 4: EEPROM Data Decryption
Step 5: Change ISN
Step 6: Restore EEPROM Data
Step 7: Restore Flash Data
Connect the DBScar VII VCI diagnostic connector and X-Prog3 anti-theft programmer at the same time.
The Bluetooth or wifi data reading/writing in bench mode is unstable, so the ECU maybe damaged. Do use the USB to connect the Launch X431 IMMO Plus/Elite device and DBSCAR connector.
Follow the wiring diagram to connect to ECU
Step 1: Read Chip ID
Step 2: Backup EEPROM Data
Read the original BMW engine eeprom data and choose one file to save
Step 3: Backup Flash Data
Read the original BMW engine flash data and choose one file to save
Step 4: EEPROM Data Decryption
Select the corresponding EEPROM file to operate
Decrypt the ISN code successfully
Save the ISN photo and use it later
Step 5: Change ISN
Select the EEPROM data the original car computer you just read
Enter the ISN (32-digit) you just read to be written, and enter the file name to be saved
Modify ISN successfully
Replace the computer that needs to be replaced to restore the eeprom data and flash data.
Step 6: Restore EEPROM Data
Select the modified eeprom data to write back
Restore EEPROM Data successfully
Step 7: Restore Flash Data
Select the original flash data to write
Restore flash Data successfully
Now the BMW engine computer is replaced by LAUNCH X431 IMMO ELITE key programmer/IMMO Plus.
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