OBDSTAR released new Nissan Infiniti Immobilizer software V32.28 on April 8th, 2022. The new upgrade can be applied to x300 dp plus and X300 Pro4.
Nissan/Infiniti V32.28
Adds Nissan 2018- Kicks and 2018- Micra K14 Proximity/Blade 22-digit (actually 20-digit) rolling code key programming (Free pincode)
OBDSTAR one-click free key programming (can bypass pin if using obdstar devices)
OBDSTAR pin code software, checking 22-digit rolling code pincode for devices from other manufacturers, charges by times.
Menu path:
Nissan Infiniti >> V32.28 >> 18- Kicks/ 18- Micra K14 >> Program Keys >> Pincode >> 20 Digit Pin Code
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