Launch X431 ECU backup memory clear function locates at TOYOTA diagnostic S.W–>ABS–>work support. TOYOTA-16 or CAN BUS connector is selected for the vehicle without CAN system, while CAN ABS II connector is selected for the vehicle with CAN system.
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More topics about Launch X431 check here:How to use Launch X431
The following is the operation procedure:
Background for back up memory: ABS ECU includes main control function, self-diagnosis function and fail-safe function. When a malfunction in the system is detected, A DTC will be stored into the back up memory, warning lamp light on and the system is deactivated by switch off fail-safe relay. In this case, ABS system will operates as general brake system. If the malfunction disappears, the ABS will be active again, although after the stored DTC is cleared, the ABS warning will not be off. At this time, mode change function will be performed to extinguish the warning lamp. The procedure of clear back up memory is easy:
Please select “Yes” in the Step 1/2 fig. to clear back up memory, then clicks “OK” in the Step 2/2 fig.
Notice: VSC/ABS/EBC warning lamp will come on after performing this function. It will not be off after the DTC is cleared, you should perform as following:
Mode Change procedure:
a)Please switch ignition key to OFF when warning lamp comes on;
b)Ignition on, then enter into X431 ABS work support;
c)Select(click) MODE change menu
Select(click) NO to enter CHECK MODE;
d)At this time, ABS/VSC/ECB warning lamp will flash, if no flashing, please repeat above procedure until ABS/VSC/ECB warning lamp flashes from in 1Hz to in 4Hz.
<note> 1Hz = setting
e)The process will take about 1 minute less or more depending on vary vehicle.
f)To extinguish warning lamp, please operate X431 into general mode (or change into general mode automatically by switch ignition key to OFF).
Click “OK” to change into general mode:
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