How to Reset the DPF Ash Accumulator on a Detroit DD15 Engine Using JPRO

This guide outlines the steps to reset the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) ash accumulator on a Detroit DD15 engine using the JPRO diagnostic software. This procedure is essential when installing a cleaned, regenerated, or new filter, or when replacing the Aftertreatment Control Module (ACM).

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Supported Engine and Software Versions

The DPF ash accumulator reset is supported on the following engines and software versions:

  • Engines:
    • Detroit Diesel EPA 07 Series 60
    • DD15 engines
    • Detroit Diesel GHG17 and later engines
  • Engine Software Versions:
    • App_040B, App_040D, App_040E, App_0410, App_0411, App_2104, App_2105, App_2107, App_2108, App_2109
  • MCM (Motor Control Module) Software Versions:
    • mcm_0x06DB, mcm_0x06DE, mcm_0x06ED, mcm_0x06EF, mcm_0x06F2, mcm_0x06F6
  • ACM (Aftertreatment Control Module) Software Versions:
    • acm_0x0232, acm_0x0236, acm_0x023E, acm_0x0250, acm_0x024E

Steps to Reset the DPF Ash Accumulator

  1. Select the Reset Option:
    • Open JPRO diagnostic software.
    • Navigate to the appropriate engine control module.
    • Select “DPF Ash Storage Reset” from the options and press Enter or Start.
  2. Reset DPF Ash Accumulator:
    • A dialog box labeled “Reset DPF Ash Accumulator” will appear.
  3. Filter Change Reset:
    • If the reset is due to a filter change, select the option “Install a clean or reconditioned system or install a new filter due to failure.”
    • Enter the required filter serial number. Note that some ECUs may only require one serial number.
    • After entering the serial number, click the “Set Ash Quantity” button.
    • Confirm the operation by clicking “Yes”.
  4. ACM Replacement Reset:
    • If the reset is due to an ACM change, select the “ACM Replacement” option.
    • Click the “Set Ash Volume” button.
    • Confirm the operation by clicking “Yes”.
  5. Monitor Progress:
    • During the process, progress and status messages will be displayed in the Progress field.
    • The Close button will be disabled until the process is complete.
  6. Completion:
    • Once the operation is complete, a message box will display the result of the action.
    • If successful, a success message will appear in the progress field; otherwise, an error message will be displayed.
  7. Exit:
    • After the operation is complete, press the Close button to exit the test and return to the test selection dialog.

By following these steps, you can effectively reset the DPF ash accumulator on a Detroit DD15 engine using the JPRO diagnostic software. This process ensures synchronization between the CPC (Central Processing Unit) and the ACM, and resets the DOC/DPF temperature memory as needed.

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