To program or code Mercedes VGS2, Autel IM608 could also do this job beyond MB C4 with Xentry. Here we share some tips on how to use Autel IM608
The Procedure will be divided into 4 steps:
* Renew donor
* Copy data from old and backup coding
* Rewrite data and during restoring coding you VINnumber is selected of the old VGS after that u can write VIN manually (and if u can’t read the old VGS u can use EIS data and then code and program online)
* After fitting it back activate it and re-adaptation (notice with out re-adaptation of gear range sensors u wont be able to move or engage any gear)
VGS Pinout:
Autel AAC001 cable is required to connect with VGS.
Need to add a resistor that bridges 1and 2 of CAN-CL and CAN-CH.
Bridge white and green wire with resistor.
Alright, that’s some tips of Autel MaxiIM IM608 Mercedes VGS2 on Bench Programming and Coding.
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