AllData 10.53 (Q3 2013)
This is the FINAL DVD Edition of AllData. After this was produced, AllData switched to online only.
With ALLDATA Repair, you have instant access to a single source of accurate, up-to-date OE-direct diagnosis, repair, and maintenance information. This huge database offers you information covering more than 33,000 engine-specific vehicles. Repair procedures, diagrams and TSBs are specific to each vehicle for fast, factory-correct repairs. Your customers will appreciate knowing that your repairs meet manufacturer standards.
Alldata 10.53pe: Full set description of the catalogue:
Professional repair shops need current, factory-correct information to meet the complex repair demands of today`s automotive industry.
ALLDATA shops have fast access to the industry`s best information for vehicles from 1982 to present including TSBs, maintenance schedules,
manufacturer recall information, OE solutions, and factory images and diagrams.
ALLDATA , the leading computer-based diagnostic, repair and estimating information system, help you boost shop performance and build customer loyalty as you efficiently repair more makes and reduce comebacks.
ALLDATA 10.53 Contents List:
Daignosis and Repair
All Diagnostic Trouble Codes(DTC)
Relays and Modules
Sensors and Switches
Engine, Cooling and Exhaust
Powertrain Management
Transmission and Drivetrain
Brakes and Traction Control
Starting and Charging
Power and Ground Distribution
Steering and Suspension
Heating and Air Conditioning
Restraint Systems
Accessories and Optional Equipment
Body and Frame
Cruise Control
Instrument Panel, Gauses and Warning Indicators
Lighting and Horns
Windows and Glass
Wiper and Washer Systems
Parts and Labour
Popular Information
Diagnostic Trouble Codes DTC
Technical Service Bulletins
Service Precautions
Technician Safety Information
Vehicle Damage Warnings
Vehicle Identification
Tools and Equipment
System Diagnosis
Five-Step Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Precautions
Troubleshooting Tests
General Troubleshooting
Power Relay Test
some customer cant install the Alldata 10.53 or cant run this software after install the software.
Please note following information how to solve those problem.
1. First,if you pc has anti-virus software.pls close that. and if you pc is with network,disable the network or unplug the network cable.
2. Then open the hdd.open the alldata file.open the file”alldata 10.53\AllData.10.53.1000.101_Install_Disk_2013.08\AFW_10530813″
choose”set up”to install the softwarealldata .
as picture:
x x
Most problems that the customers meet:
double press setup, but no action or shows wrong information,maye setup file is damaged or cant be used.
Setup file is 794KB,if the memory of this file is change, then it is means this fie is damaged.
In order to avoid this problem, we have put a copy file for setup file, please open remark file:(AFW_10530813.iso)to reback, as following:
3. Please install the ALLDATA software as indicate, then there has a alldata logo on your computer as following:
4. But when you want to run this software, it cant be run before you active the file as following: so please active the file as picture firstly.
open the file”AllData.10.52_Crack.only” as picture:
copy the file”ace”.press right key of ALLDATA logo on computer. choose”properties”,choose”open file location”
then paste in this file,here choose”copy and replace”.then the software has been finish.
As following:
Now you can use ALLDATA now.
Some customers will meet the problem as following:
If you also cant run ALLDATA, then it means the active file with problem.
The normal “ace.exe” filel is 2288KB,as picture:
If the size of “ace.exe” is changed,please use our copy “ace.exe” to active. We have put this file under alldata as picture:
6.open the alldata.now we add database to the alldata.choose”data”,choose “device”.choose “connect”
here is one thing to take care. beacuse each pc has differnt letter.so you need choose the right letter. for expalme.i put the alldata on H,so i choose “h”.if you pc myhdd is g.,you need choose g.
now we need to add databse.add dm and imp.dm1 is”H:\01.alldata 10.53\DM01Q313″.so we choose h.
and copy.and the paste.you need choose”enable data caching”
then we add DM. DM TOTAL has 01-16,we need add one by one,.from dm1 to dm16.
watch my step.now add imp file. it is has imp01-imp70.watch my step.also need from 01-70.one by one.
you must add one by one,from imp01-imp70.i skip this.you can add yourself.
after all add,.check ok.and then you can free to use the software now
Any more questions , please contact www.obdii.shop directly .
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