Q : What’s the main difference of Nexiq 1 and NEXIQ USB Link 2?
A : Nexiq 1 is discontinued. no more updates but for most people it will still work just fine.
Nexiq 2 is the current model and has more future potential than what the nexiq 1 could do.
Cables for each are different so they are not interchangeable. When ordering, you should make sure you get 3 different cables. The standard 6/9 pin y-cable with the green connector on the 9 pin plug so you can communicate to the newer 500k baud network. A standard OBD II cable and an OBD II Cat cable to talk to Caterpillar engines in GM trucks. If you need to communicate to trailer ABS, you will also need a PLC adapter.
Do NOT buy the inexpensive clones that normally come with multiple cables. The clones are not reliable and if they update with nexiq software, they will become a brick.
The nexiq 2 clones don’t have 26 pin cables just the standard fitting also the usb connector is different and there is a hole by the usb connector on the clones as well.
Q : My company needs a tool to do diagnosis especially commins and dodge trucks.
A : The Nexiq usb link can hook almost all software Merirtor abs, Allison, Bendix abs, Caterpillar, Navistar, Freightliner,Ect, to any vehicle with the proper interface connector. Some of the new ones are bluetooth enabled, so you can be wireless.
Q : Can I update Chinese clone NEXIQ USB link by internet? or upgrade new nexiq hardware?
A : Sorry, china NEXIQ 125032 USB link cannot be updated by internet, otherwise it will not operate.
Q : Does NEXIQ USB link application ought to be activated when i use it?
A : No, the all nexiq software is activated. the user manual and installation guide also is included in the package, it can be simple to set up the software program.
Q : Does china clone NEXIQ USB Link can work on Volvo Bus and Isuzu truck? but discover that there is no communication among this two trucks models, what is the issue? What about CAT et diagnostic adapter?
A : NEXIQ USB link is not compatible with Volvo Bus, hardware will not help. Our Isuzu software is North American version. You could use it to perform on North American Isuzu. Nexiq will not be quite superior at diagnose CAT too. Specially for Asian Cat. Up to now, this Nexiq only help CAT with J1939 and J1708 protocol. But for Cat engine, generally protocol is CDL, it truly is specially for CAT models. For J1939 Protocol, CAT model doesn’t use but.
Q : When i set up the NEXIQ USB link application ready, i commence the engine, application prompt me error code 275.00, what is the meaning?
A : The NEXIQ 125032 USB driver will not be installed correctly, so the application does not recognize the hardware. Please set up the USB driver once again.
Q : When i use NEXIQ 125032 USB software connect using the truck, power and information light keeps flashing, what is wrong?
A : it truly is the hardware error, probably, you update the device by web, Pls! don’t update it when you use it, you might want to send it back to us, we will repair it for you personally.
Q : When i load Isuzu IDSS computer software, it failed. Along with the software offers me this error prompt:“CRC error: the file C:Plan FilesIDSS images2007icvch processedfullsizefullb606.rra doesnt match the file within the setup’s.cab file.”
A : about this prompt of NEXIQ 125032 USB link, possibly, it truly is brought on by two reasons:
1) You don’t use the correct strategy to load this software program, stick to the user manual to perform it;
2) The operation system does not compatible with this software.
Q : When i open the NEXIQ USB link software program, i meet this dilemma: “Unable to study value software Mack Trucks, In Common Device ID”. Very first i opt for “Preferences”, next “RP123A Device name”, then i locate XTruck USB inside the drop down box. Why this happen?
A : about this error of NEXIQ USB link , perhaps, it can be triggered by the following two cause:
1) USB driver is not installed correctly. Check your driver installation and set up the patch file of the CD.
2) other people application isn’t compatible with this computer software on your computer, or you have set up other individuals version NEXIQ 125032 USB software program on your laptop or computer ahead of. Adjust an additional computer to install the application again, or clean your computer.
Q : Any bought a Chinese NEXIQ and had a good success?
A : I am using one and it is a good investment. It is the hardware interface go between a PC and vehicle using 6 or 9 pins on J1587 / J1708, J1939 standard as far as i tested. i believe it work with OBD2 also but not sure what software needed.
As far as tested software, It work on my Cummins (Insite), Cat (Cat et), Allison (Allison Doc), International (Servicemaxx) and Wabco ABS ( the tool box)
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