The Detroit GHG14 EPA07 engine idle not going into continuous run mode can be a frustrating issue, especially under extreme ambient conditions. This article provides a step-by-step guide to help you diagnose and resolve this problem effectively. By following these instructions, you can ensure that your engine operates smoothly and optimally.
2023 Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link DDDL 8.17 8.09
JPRO DLA+ 2.0 Adapter
NEXIQ USB Link 2 Adapter
Check as follows:
1Does the HVAC work on the vehicle?
1a Yes; Go to step 2.
1b No; repair the HVAC system first. Refer to chassis OEM guidelines.
2 Check CPC parameters to make sure the Continuous Run feature is enabled
2a Yes; Go to step 3.
2b No; this feature is available but not set up on the vehicle.
3 Is the Optimized Idle Thermostat Skin Temperature sensor properly adhered onto an outside metal wall, secured and wired to the Thermostat? Refer to OEM literature for sensor location.
3a Yes; Go to step 4.
3b No; repair as necessary.
4 Disconnect the Optimized Idle Thermostat electrical connector and measure the resistance between the Optimized Idle Thermostat connector and the Skin Temperature sensor harness side connector. Is the resistance less than 10 ohms?
4a Yes; replace the Skin Temperature sensor.
4b No; repair the circuit.
More repair cases for Detroit Diesel engines,please refer to:Detroit Diesel Engine Repair
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