I have one 2007 Honda Accord with the PCM has been replaced and the vin number does not match, so I use so here’s what I came up with Autel Maxisys MS908 Pro to rewrite VIN number in step-by-step procedure.
Click on VIN and select “Manual Input”, type in the new vin number. You might have to type it again.
Alright, this is the VIN number that I entered say, okay.
It is 2007 Accord, that is actually the vin number that is on the car, not the new vin number that came with the computer because I picked up this computer from the junkyard, the key is being programmed already, that’s all you basically need to do and the car runs fine, but I need to rewrite the vin number. Say yes.
Select “USA”.
Give it some time to initialize the diagnostic system.
Alright, so we are gonna go into diagnostic and select “Control unit”.
Select “Engine-PGM F I.
Please give it some time to establish vehicle communication.
Alright, so here we have ECU information, Read codes, erase codes …everything, basically you need to go into “Special Functions”.
By the way I’m using the Autel MaxiSys Pro.
Select “VIN check”.
This is the VIN number that I entered and it tells you that the entered VIN will be rewritten to the new ECM /PCM, say, okay.
And just for confirmation, you might need to type it again as I said earlier.
okay and click on “Yes”.
Just give it a second and it should be done, complete that’s it.
Have a good day.
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