Autel MaxiIM KM100 IMMO Key Programmer is able to add 2016-2021 Opel Astra K universal key by OBD successfully. By reading free password, can be used for all keys lost programming as well.
1. Generate Key
Put the Autel Universal Key into KM100 slot:
Universal key >> Opel Astra K 2016-2020 >> Generate universal key
Universal key generate
Generate key success.
2. Read Password
IMMO >> Opel >> Automatic selection >> Read >> OK >> Yes >> Smart key >> Immo status scan
Please switch ignition on.
Password reading.
Please switch ignition on.
Read notes, press “OK”.
PIN code read successfully.
3. Learn Key
Start >> No
Please switch the ignition off.
Do you want to start DTC clearing? Yes.
The vehicle fault code will be cleared. Press “OK” to continue.
Clearing DTC complete.
Do you want to start key learning? Yes
Please press the Start/Stop button once.
Place the smart key to be learned into the key slot and take other keys out of the vehicle.
The key slot is usually:
1. In the armrest box.
2. Under the bottle rack.
3. Besides the ash tray.
4. In the glove box.
Please input 4-digit pin code.
Configuring the system, please wait 12 minutes…
Test the new key, it can start the car.
Operation completed successfully.
This is how to add 2018 Opel Astra K remote key with Autel KM100.
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