This is a tutorial on how to use Obdstar X300 DP Plus to program proximity keys for the 2021 Honda Accord when all keys lost.
3-button proximity
Connect x300 dp with vehicle
Select IMMO->Honda/Acura->Honda/Acura V31.45-> Honda->Manual select model-> Asia->Accord->Proximity->Button key->Type 3
Double-click start button, check if the ignition switch on
Press and hold the Start button, press ENTER to continue
The ignition turns on, release the engine Start/Stop button
Configuring system
Select Smart Key->All smart keys lost
Read the guide to continue
This function will erase all keys, press Yes to continue
Turn off ignition (release Start/Stop button. Don’t press the brake pedal)
Place an original key in vehicle. Remove all other proximity keys in the vehicle.
Double-click start button, check if the ignition switch on
Press and hold the Start button, press ENTER to continue
The ignition turns on, release the engine Start/Stop button
Confirm the model is 2020 or later
Enter number of keys you desire to register. Update to 6 keys can be registered.
Take out all original proximity keys from vehicle within 100 seconds
One proximity key detected in vehicle
Take smart key out of car
take one smart key only into the vehicle within 100 seconds
the smart key has been properly resisted
take another smart key (1 key only) into the vehicle within 100 seconds
2nd smart key has been registered
Turn off ignition (release Start/Stop button. Don’t press the brake pedal)
Turn on ignition
press the engine start/stop button twice. Don’t press the brake pedal
check if the indicator of the smart key and immobilizer device is of or not
Turn off ignition
Turn on ignition
Register key completed
Turn off ignition
Turn on ignition
you can check key number registered
test remote control and start engine with new keys.
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