Passwords for DDEC Detroit Engines

The ECM settings on Detroit Diesel engines are protected by passwords. When using Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link (DDDL) to change settings, you must enter the correct password before transmitting any changes to the ECM.

There are four types of passwords, each providing protection for different settings:

  1. Calibration Password
    • Protects most of the calibration settings in the ECM.
  2. Ratings Password
    • Provides additional protection for the engine rating settings, which can significantly impact engine life and performance. Both the calibration and rating passwords are required to change the rating.
  3. Group Lockout Password
    • Allows an administrator to protect certain functions with an extra password. To modify these functions, you must enter both the calibration and the function lockout passwords.
  4. Injector Calibration Password
    • Protects the injector calibration settings with a separate password.

Password Management with DDDL

DDDL gives fleet managers the ability to restrict access to calibration passwords. Managers can save an encrypted copy of the password along with a calibration, allowing technicians to use the program to transmit the calibration to the ECM without knowing the password. However, if the technician changes the calibration, they must enter the password again to transmit the updated settings.

The DDDL program also allows you to change passwords and record the changes in the ECM.

Opening a Calibration File

  1. Open Saved Calibration:
  2. Expand Calibration Manager:
    • Expand the Calibration Manager section.
  3. Navigate to the Passwords Folder:
    • Expand the Shared folder, then the CUSTOMER CHANGEABLE OPTIONS folder.
    • Expand the Passwords folder.

  4. Drag the Passwords Folder:
    • Click and hold the Passwords folder, then drag it to Panel1.

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