Can Toyota Prius 2014& 2015 correct odometer by Yanhua Digimaster 3 and yanhua ICP tester?
The answer is only need digimaster 3 is ok.
How to do?
It is easy to adjust mileage by digimaster 3. It needs to dismantle the dashboard and read the data.
Please follow the steps to operate as below.
1.Open Digimaster 3 home page
2.Select Meter System-> Japan& Korea-> Toyota-> Pirus
3.The system will prompt what chip is.
Chip 93C46, 93C66 and 93C86 can be supported
4.Find the car chip and check whether it is consistent with the prompt or not
If it is, disassemble it and weld to OBP adapter
5.Connect with Odometer Correction Tool digimaster 3 to read data
6.And follow the prompt to change mileage
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