There are many products in the Autel MaxiSYS MS906 series, and how to distinguish them has become a problem. This article will introduce the differences between the various models of Autel MS906. In order to save readers’ time, the conclusion is written in the front. Interested readers can continue to read the details below.
* MS906 compared to MS906S: MS906 is a cable connection, MS906S is a Bluetooth connection.
* MS906 Pro compared to MS906S: MS906 Pro has remote cloud function, and its hardware configuration is better than MS906S (bigger battery, higher camera pixels, better CPU and memory). It also has more functions than MS906S.
* MS906 Pro-TS compared to MS906 Pro: MS906 Pro-TS has more TMPS function support. Other functions are basically the same.
Conclusion: There is not much difference between MS906 Pro and MS906 Pro-TS. From the model code, MS906 Pro-TS has more TPMS function.
Instead, there is a big difference between MS906S and MS906 Pro.
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Autel MaxiSYS MS906 Series Feature List 673×900 – What is the difference between Autel MaxiSYS MS906 Pro and previous models – What is the difference between Autel MaxiSYS MS906 Pro and previous models
Since most of the functions of Autel MaxiSYS MS906 Pro and MS906 Pro-TS are the same (except the TPMS function), we will focus on MS906 Pro-TS:
Autel MaxiSYS MS906 Pro-TS upgraded from Autel MS906TS/ MS906/ MS906S/ MP808TS/ MK808TS, Autel MaxiSys MS906 Pro-TS is equivalent to MS906TS + TS601.
The highlight of Autel MaxiSYS MS906 Pro-TS is the TPMS function: With Complete TPMS modules, Autel MS906 PRO-TS integrated TPMS antenna module to perform comprehensive TPMS service: activate/ relearn 99% all-known OEM TPMS sensors, program MX-sensors, turn off TPMS light, retrieves the sensors’ OEM part No. in seconds and provides with 3000+ built-in relearn procedures.
Compared with competitors, Autel MS906 Pro-TS allows users to automatically create 1-16 sensors to program the new MX-sensor at the same time.
Features available in both Autel MaxiSYS MS906 Pro and MS906 Pro-TS (but not MS906S):
Battery analysis capability.
Cloud-based Reports and Data Management.
Remote Expert (coming soon).
* With additional purchase of the MaxiBAS BT506 battery and electrical system tester.
With purchase of ADAS calibration frame system and software.
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