If you love your BMW and want it to run for a long time, you can not miss this tutorial of Autel IM608 MaxiIM BMW battery registration Tool
Let’s take the 2015 BMW 528i as an example
Plug Autel IM608 connector into OBD, go access
Diagnostics >> VIN >> Auto detect >> Accept >> OK >> Yes
Turn the ignition off.
Please wait…
Turn ignition on.
Service >> Body >> Voltage supply >> Battery >> Register battery replacement >> Register battery exchange
It’s processing… Wait for 100%.
Press “F1” to register the battery replacement.
Note: the history of the last battery exchange is deleted after programming.
3 kinds of battery capacity, just select from your case.
F1: same capacity
F2: higher/lower capacity.
F3: change from normal lead-acid battery to absorbent Glass Mat(AGM) or EF battery.
Is the newly installed battery an original component? No.
Battery replacement is entered.
Please wait…
The battery exchange was successfully registered.
The following was entered:
Last battery exchange: 139030km
Last but one battery exchange: 0km
In some engine control unit, it is possible that:
After registration, the last battery exchange and the last but one battery exchange are set to 0 km or can be displayed correctly only after going to the history of the last battery exchange again.
Follow the prompts, continuous press “Continue”.
Full functionality is only available with a valid state of charge. Functions such as the Automatic Start/Stop function or intelligent generator control can be restricted up to a fully valid charge state or can be unavailable.
The date and time of the vehicle will be set.
If they are not correct, please set date and time manually.
Service function completed.
This is how to use Autel IM608 Scanner to do register battery replacement for a BMW.
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