Recently so many friend want to learn about the JLR DoiP VCI SDD Pathfinder Interface.
JLR Doip VCI SDD Pathfinder interface is the only unit that will be compatible with the Pathfinder software and all JLR vehicles with the new vehicle architectures found in 2018 and newer vehicles (from the Range RoverRange Rover Sport L405L494). In addition to the 2018 and newer vehicles, the DoIP VCI will also be capable of interfacing with 2014 through 2021 Multi-CAN architecture vehicles (see application list below).
Our JLR Doip VCI SDD Pathfinder interface is OEM and software is original .it have two softwares SDD software and Pathfinder software .SDD have the offline programming for most of old vehicles .If you want programming ,you can use SDD this software .Patherfinder we have the online diagnostic , if you want to online programming ,you need have the online account ,if you do not have the account ,you need Purchase from original factory ,then you can do online program.
How to register the patherfinder diagnostic to get user name and password
1 New JLR of Pathfinder
2 Registration at below website
3 Registration
4 After certified through e-mail, then you can login,
But you need to make your device lisense for pathfinder after charging
If you want to learn more about JLR DoiP VCI SDD Pathfinder Interface ,pls contact with us Sales@obdii.shop . or research on our store https://www.obdii.shop.
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