There have customers have issues use BMW ICOM Next :
I have bmw next when i plugged OBD to socket, system led started flashing red.
I tried re-flashing Firmware and configure user settings but nothing changed still led flashing red.
The problem is that the problem with the processor and the algorithm for writing errors in the firmware from the old icom.
How to fix it ?
You can remove the error by connecting a three-wire fan or a pulse generator with a frequency of 400 Hz.
For normal operation it is necessary to set cool the CPU
You need to buy a small fan with three wires and solder it. On top of the processor i will put some thermal paste with heatsink also.
Question: You know which of this 4 hole is for: Ground (GND), Live wire (VCC 5V) and Third Wire for fan control ? There are 4 holes and 3 of them have trails that goes to the board.
Connection of a fan or generator to 400Hz
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