GM GL8 2008 ECM & TCM Service Programming by TIS2Web
This article show you the guide on how to use TIS2Web to perform ECM and TCM service programming for GM GL8 2008 3.0L V6 LZC.And for more GM repair projects,please check here:GM Vehicle Repair Cases.
MDI TIS2web Pass-Thru Programming Guide
Go to https://www.acdelcotds.com to access your “Service Programming” subscription
Select “Service Programming System(SPS)”
SPS is going through several steps that might be time consuming depending on your connection speed.For further details please refer to online help.
Select “Start SPS”
Select Diagnostic Tool “J2534 VXDIAG” and Programming Process “Reprogram ECU”
Click “Next” to continue.
Connect J2534 device to vehicle and PC:
Turn ignition off
Verify battery fully charged
Turn ignition on,engine off
Connect J2534 device to Data Link Connector
Connect J2534 device to PC
Switch J2534 device on and wait for device to get ready
After programming,the technician will be given the opportunity to clear Diagnostic Trouble codes from all ECU’s on this vehicle.The technician may want to record DTCs and Frame Data before continuing.
Click “Next” to continue
Select vehicle
Model Year:2008
Vehicle Type:Passenger Car
Car Line:GL8 Firstland
Engine Type(S):(C) 3.0L V6 LZC
Validate Vehicle Identification Number
Make sure that the correct VIN is displayed
If the VIN is incorrect or missing,enter the VIN
Select “ECM (Engine Control Module-Programming (Pass-Thru Only))”
And Programming Type:Normal
Click “Next” to continue
It show the calibration selection
Click “Next” to continue
You are attempting to reprogram with the same calibration
Select OK to continue,cancel to stop!
And prompt you “Are you want to continue with reprogramming?”
Click “OK” to continue
Transfer Data
It will download data from server and load to ECU automatically,please wait process..
Then click”Next” to continue
Programming Complete.
GM TCM Transmission Control Module Programming:
Back to controller selection,and select “TCM” and programming type:normal
Click “Next” to continue
TCM Control Module calibration selection,click “Next” to continue
M4522 GM does recommend or support reprogramming with the same calibration.
Are you sure want to continue with reprogramming?
Click “OK” to continue
Pre-Programming Instructions
Any vehicle without PRO HP2 (Parallel Hybrid Propulsion System) is NOT equipped with an HCM
Now it will start programming TCM,after then click “Next”
Programming Complete.
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