This is the code I receive when trying to open
Thanks for your picture, the software has lost some file, pls send us teamviewer id and password, engineer will repair the software.
software has repaired, pls do not install other software on this hard disk, thanks.
I believe that in “diagnostic” it is supposed to show som information on the errorcode and system the code is referring to
Like in this picture It vas the same truck like last time
2014 fh
The diagnosis result need to check from the upper right corner of the software, not on the diagnose page.
But when you press this and goes all the three steps. You should get some info on how the system works.
Like å smal peace of the workshop manual.
Sorry that this part of function only can be use on online account, offline software do not support it.
Offline software comes with a separate maintenance manual that can be purchased
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