DDDL DiagnosticLink supports DDEC 6 through GHG17 engine platforms. There are two editions of DiagnosticLink. The standard edition replaces DDDL 7.x. The professional edition replaces DDRS 7.x. DiagnosticLink is now subscription based only (i.e. download only) from the Diagnostic Link ordering site. You may purchase a 1 year subscription of DiagnosticLink from the ordering site which includes service packs updates within the subscription period.
DiagnosticLink 8 Standard
Diagnosticlink Standard provides ECU information, diagnostic fault codes, instrumentation information, service routines, the ability to run system tests, and edit ECU parameters. Upon installation and registration of the DiagnosticLink Standard package installer, the legacy tool Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link (DDDL 6.x) will be installed and accessible from Start menu programs.
DiagnosticLink 8 Professional
DiagnosticLink Professional provides ECU information, diagnostic fault codes, instrumentation information, service routines, the ability to run system tests, edit ECU parameters, and the ability to reprogram engine controllers. Upon installation of the professional edition package installer, the legacy tools DDDL 6.x and DRS 6.x (for authorized users) are accessible from Start menu programs.
Detroit Diesel engines are very popular among the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks and cars, construction machinery, power, and oil, gas equipment, etc.
Important Notice! Recently, we have received numerous complaints about DDDL and Microsoft Surface laptops. Please note that these laptops are NOT supported, and DDDL software won’t work properly.
Since version 8.20 (including Troubleshooting database 09.2024) is a 64-bit release, DDDL supports only windows 10 64 Bit. If you have windows 8.1, please indicate it in the comments field, and we will provide you with the 8.20 version instead.
Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link 8.20 SP1 (DDDL 8.20 SP1) 09.2024
Offline Professional
Brand: Detroit Diesel
Name: Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link DDDL
Date of update: 09.2024
Size: 70 Gb
Type: Diagnostics Software
Languages: English
Operating system: Windows 10/11
Instructions: Included in the package
Version: 8.20 sp1 – What’s New ; Old versions: 8.19 SP1, 8.18 SP1, 8.18 SP0, 8.17 SP0, 8.17 SP0, 8.16 SP4, 8.16 SP2, 8.15 SP1, 8.15 SP0, 8.14, 8.13 etc.
Supported Hardware: USB-Nexiq, RP-1210C-Compliant Communications Adapter(Noregon® DLA+ 2.0 Adapter Kit, Other Compliant Adapters)
What is Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link 8.20 SP1 09.2024
It’s a computer-based software used to perform diagnostics for Detroit and Freightliner Cascadia vehicle systems.
DDDL is a professional diagnostic tool that enables users to do the following:
1.get access to ECU information;
2.read diagnostic fault codes for vehicles;
3.run service routines;
4.reprogram diesel equipment;
5.perform all-system functional and injector cut-out tests;
6.change parameters;
7.perform engine calibration.
Features of this Edition:
No Gray Parameters
No programming restrictions
Dealer Level (Read Hardware – 10, Write Hardware – 10, Hardware Level 10)
This Edition includes:
Latest Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link DDDL 8.20 Troubleshooting [07.2024]
Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link DDDL 8.20 Backdoor Password Removal Tool.
Online Installation and activate by TeamViewer
Detroit Diesel DiagnosticLink Professional provides ECU information, diagnostic fault codes, instrumentation information, service routines, the ability to run system tests, edit ECU parameters, and the ability to reprogram engine controllers.
Detroit Diesel engines are very popular among the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks and cars, construction machinery, power and oil, and gas equipment, etc.
DDDL 8.20 supports DDEC 6 through GHG17 engine platforms. There are two editions of DiagnosticLink.
The standard edition replaces DDDL 7.x. The professional edition replaces DDRS 7.x.
Detroit Diesel DiagnosticLink 8.20 Professional provides ECU information, diagnostic fault codes, instrumentation information, service routines, the ability to run system tests, edit ECU parameters, and the ability to reprogram engine controllers. The legacy tools DDDL 6. x and DRS 6. x are included, however, these tools may not work properly with the most recent Windows 10 releases.
ECUs Supported:
EPA07 – DD15, DD13, DD16, S60, MBE900, MBE4000
EPA10 – DD13, DD15, DD16
GHG14 – DD13, DD15, DD16, DT12 Transmission
Freightliner Cascadia
Western Star 5700XE
DiagnosticLink 8.0x Features:
Vehicle ECU software compatibility checking
Vehicle ECU Instrumentation and I/O control troubleshooting panels
Vehicle ECU Identification and Fault Code display
Display detected equipment in a user interface
New I/O control view reduces the number of tabs shown
The new display of Program Device settings
New VIM Throttle Panel for testing GHG14
System Requirements:
DiagnosticLink 8.1x is Windows 10, 11 compatible:
DiagnosticLink 8 and legacy tools (DRS 6.30 and DDDL 6.51) are Windows 10, 11 64-bit compatible.
Windows Windows 10 (64-bit)
2.0 GHz Dual Core Processor or faster
2.0 GB RAM or more
40 GB Hard drive with 20 Gigabytes free
Monitor and graphics card supporting 1024 x 768 resolution and 16-bit color
One free USB
High Speed or Broadband Internet connection
IT Security Firewall Access for TCP Port 48481
Administrative Rights (for installation only)
Detroit 8.03
DDDL 8.11 Free Download
DDDL 8.15 download link:
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