How to program Toyota Corolla Altis 2016 all smart keys lost with by Autel MaxiIM KM100 via OBD2 without apb112 emulator.
For newer Toyota 2010-2022, rolling code is required, example: Autel KM100 2019-2022 Toyota Corolla Flip All Keys Lost
For Toyota 8A blade key all keys lost, gbox and 8A AKL adapter is required. example: AUTEL KM100 Program Toyota Fortuner All Keys Lost via 8A AKL Adapter
For this Corolla 2016, you don’t need code or adapter. Follow 3 steps to program all keys lost.
1. Backup Immo data
2. Generate simulator key
3. Add smart key
Step 1:
Go to IMMO- Toyota- Automatic Selection- Other- Corolla/Auris- Smart Key- Control Unit- Keyless System (CAN)
Select Backup immobilizer data
Save eeprom data
Backup succeed
Step 2:
Select Generate simulator key
Generating simulator key
The simulator key is generated successfully. The simulator key can be used to turn on the ignition on and can be used as a registered key to perform ‘Add key’ function.
Keep the Autel KM100 antenna close to the key sensing area.
Press Start button to start ignition
Step 3:
Select Add smart key
Put a new smart key to be programmed close to the Start button.
Wait until add key is completed
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