We have shown this article before: Autel IM508 IM608 Read and Write Encrypted IMMO Data For Audi BCM2. This article we will show you 2014 Audi A5 BCM2 AKL Diode Connections by Autel IM508. You must always draw BCM2. Aside from the fact that the chart on the tablet isn’t a great photo, it’s correct. This locksmith has provided better photos of each individual connection.
1. Make connections according to diagram
1a. Yes! You need a diode on both red VVP2 and yellow reset. 10a – 50 or 100v work fine. Line on diode is toward the BCM side. Data will not read without diode‘s!
2. Read immo data via Programmer
2a. This takes around a minute or so so be patient. You should hear a click as soon as it starts reading, click = good.
3. Once you get the reading it will show you the vin number and CS information.
4. Back out one screen to the audi menu. this should be the screen that you originally selected to read immo data via Programmer
5. Unplug everything and reinstall PCM in vehicle.
5. Plug autel into OBD with programmer attached.
6. Insert blank key into programmer. Select make dealer key. (always make two just in case one doesn’t work for whatever reason)
7. Return to Audi menu
8. Insert key in dash select key learning. At this point we always select program 1 key. There may be a slight 10 second or so delay. The car will wake up then program the key. Your done if your only provide one key.
9. Go back to key Learning again and do two keys if you want two.
Hope this explanation of the process helps.
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