Question: Does anyone know where we can find information on how to reset the airbag module? It seems that Autel IM508 or IM608 with XP400 has this functionality but I need to explain the process better.
Answer: Autel does not only delete the read EEPROM. You need to transfer data online or using other tools/software to get deleted crash file. Then write them back to the eeprom. Here is a demo guide on using the im608 to copy crash data from an airbag module.
This is from a 2018 Ford Focus. We are going to read the data from the crash unit from the SRS RCM unit and erase the data. Then we will transfer the erased data back to the memory chip of this unit. This model uses 95640 memory chip which is quite common for this model. Remove airbag module. Got four screws down. Once you remove those 4 screws the cover will come off. This is how it looks now. On the underside of the circuit board is the actual memory chip and the clamp. Connect the apa103 clamp to the im608 and xp400 programmer. You only need a USB connection cable to your im608 and pin 1 on this board.
Go to Programmer- Chip – EEPROM- ST- M95640
You can check the schematic diagram, it will give you an idea of where to place and position the chip. It also shows you the cable and how to connect it. There is some good information you can read about the numbers on the right here.
It’s important that you enable read and write validation, and definitely important that you want to have the right validation. Erase validation isn’t that important, so let’s turn it off.
Go back to Read chip
the programming starts lighting up as it’s reading
Now you have your crash data read from the airbag unit.
Save crash data by chip type
Pay attention to the path where the file was saved. We finish the first part. We need to transfer the data. You can do this through online services because then you need to delete the crash data from this file.
You can just search and find one of your preferences.
Once you get that cleared file you then need to write it back to the EEPROM.
Put the cleared crash data onto im608 sd card.
Go back to xp400 programmer, select Write.
Select the cleaned crash file and write.
Chip written successfully.
You need to check this because you don’t want to have a typo in this case. At those points where you are done, reassemble the airbag module just like you took it apart and connected it to your car and you will have the crash data erased.
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