MDI multiple Diagnostic Interface for GM with GDS2 diagnostic system , it supports online programming and wireless communication
function and so on , but if you want to do online programming you should have your own account . GM MDI is better than GM
Tech 2 for the cars after 2009 , if you want to work for old cars , you can choose our GM tech2 .
From now on , there have customers give feedback to us that they met the problem “not connected to MDI “ error , please dont
worry , our engineer group have find the solutions as following :
1.Press the button and connect the power
2.Keep press this button and connect it to power , the power light will be on , wait about 10 seconds please .
3.When all lights on , then you can release the button , and it will enter firmware refresh status .
4.Connect GM MDI with your PC via USB cable , prepare to refresh the firmware .
5.Open “GM MDI Manager “, choose “ Recover” .
Then will be solve the problem , and try to test your GM MDI again , you will see the photo as bellow
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